Are all the Clinton haters on here really anti-Hilary, or anti-establishment in general? I don't care either way, I'm just curious if it is the Clintons themselves, and their specific crimes, that have many of you seething at the thought of her winning the election, or is it a greater disdain for the system of politics and politicians that they embody? Would those of you I'm referring to be so supportive of Trump if Bernie Sanders was the nominee? What if it was Joe Biden?
I'm very much pro-establishment. The larger the country (in both population and economy) the larger and more complicated the political landscape. In my opinion, those with "established" political circles are the best qualified to run the executive branch and navigate the complicated world of international politics.
Trudeau, for example, is well connected and supported by the Laurentian elites. Sure, you might not like the decisions they are making, but they know how to do their jobs.
So, we're I a US citizen, I would most definitely vote Clinton.
Out of two unsavoury characters, I'm not even going to try to compare which one is more evil than the other. As far as I'm concerned, they've both crossed the Rubicon, and I really don't care how far they've gone past it.
So I'd go with the one who knows how to do the job they're applying for.