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Why is it no pers email acccunts availible at work but

CFL said:
most other sites can be accessed, ie TSN, Royal Bank etc

If i understood your question correctly, You are asking why you can access those other sites, but not your personal email?. I'm just going to take a stab at and say because in email, you can receive anything from , porn, to viruses to racial emails and jokes that you might find funny and others would be hurt and offended by. Then again, I'm just going on the reason why i was told we couldn't have them accessed when i was still in highschool.
CFL.... it could also mean that your superiors want you to look after your work and not concern yourself with personnal matters.

(BTW, I can't access CIBC or videotron.ca from work either)
Yes Jaxson that is my question.
geo understood but if that were the case why would any non-work related site be allowed?
CFL - apparently any web-based email ISP (i.e. Hotmail) is verboten on DIN systems for the reasons already mentioned. 
The only problem with that is anyone can simply forward emails from home to their work email and then if they were stupid enough disseminate them from there.
Point taken though.
probably an issue of regional firewalls.........
The explantaion as provided here was that there was an excessive risk of virus/malware infection from such sites.  The mail servers @ forces.gc.ca do a pretty good job of scanning and protecting systems from viruses or trojans at the enterprise level.  However, webmail systems are not filtered by this, and despite many years of warnings silly people click blindly opn attachments, unleasing viruses/trojans/malware on computers.  The DND solution has been to block access to all mail sites.  My solution would have been disciplinary action against people for jeopardising DND systems - was it Napoleon who explained the need to "faire un exemple pour encourager les autres"?
dapaterson said:
The explantaion as provided here was that there was an excessive risk of virus/malware infection from such sites.  The mail servers @ forces.gc.ca do a pretty good job of scanning and protecting systems from viruses or trojans at the enterprise level.  However, webmail systems are not filtered by this, and despite many years of warnings silly people click blindly opn attachments, unleasing viruses/trojans/malware on computers.  The DND solution has been to block access to all mail sites.  My solution would have been disciplinary action against people for jeopardising DND systems - was it Napoleon who explained the need to "faire un exemple pour encourager les autres"?

Bang on, though you can send and recieve from web based emails, to outlook on your baseline account. You can use your baseline email for personal communication, aslong as you dont recieve personal gain from it(ie selling stuff). Though use common sense, no porn, offensive jokes, ect.

Though this is all followed by a blanket statement in your Basline Contract, saying, You can use the interenet, email for personal use as long as it is not eccesivley used.
....Make an example (sacrificial goat) to encourage all others.
matter of perspective.....
Encourage people to do the right thing VS discourage others from doing what the other guy did.

Quarter = 25¢
Another thing that was brought up was why you can access some site but not others.  The main reason is to to research when we need to.  I had to look up cost of equipment when I made a proposal to my Sqn commander.  We do not have easy access to an internet machine at work so I did it throught he DIN and found the answers I needed.  It would have meant leaving my area to go do the research.  This way I could do it from my desk and get phone calls from the Troop office still. lol.
Within my dept we have a couple of Internet authorized machines.
These beasties have been identified & given a little bit more leeway for web surfing.
As per earlier posts, the reason will be the manner in which the various servers (not just mail servers, I suspect) communicate with the DND servers.

Here in the UK, we operate a similar degree of security that means virtually all web-based mail is blocked. This does not stop individuals forwarding their emails, but this is acceptable as (I am given to understand) it changes the methods of communication between servers.

As an examples of our criteria (which are likely to be similar to yours) for rejection of a connection:

    The web server/site is attempting to supply this web page in a manner deemed hazardous to the security of MoD networks because

          The Web Server you are visiting is requesting to communicate on non-standard ports;
          The Web Server is attempting to construct the page you requested by running scripts or active elements on your PC.


Another reason why some you can't do some things on the DWAN is, believe it or not, COMMSEC related.  The DWAN is considered PROTECTED A.  The Internet is considered UNCLAS.  In certain circumstances, the two don't mix.  Sure you can forward DND emails to your buddies in the civy world, but have you noticed that you can only automatically forward emails to DND accounts, but not, say to your home email account?

If for some reason your doing some research/ job related activity, and the DND firewall blocks access for whatever reason, you can apply to have the specific site you require accessible so that you can do your job.  I don't know how long it takes to get access though...

I can tell you it doesn't take long to have a site blocked though.  While I was working in the Helpdesk at a previous unit, one of the guys there was going to PageThree.com, part of the London Sun (UK) website.  Needless to say, one of the female Cpls there took offence to this guy looking at the topless women right in front of her.  She complained, and the site was blocked that day.