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Why is it no pers email acccunts availible at work but

I work as the Network Manager at the Bde HQ in Halifax, and get this/these question(s) alot.

Why can't I access my hotmail?  I could use my online banking last week, today I can't? 

Hotmail requires you to accept a cookie.  The Internet Explorer configuration via Baseline DWAN PCs does not accept cookies.

Why do some sites work and others not WRT Internet access?

The GPnet is part of the system that functions as the portal that all Internet-bound traffic goes thru.  Depending on the day/time/threat, the boys at CFNOC and NVAT and organizations such as those will "lock down" the firewall if there is a certain specific threat they are trying to protect the DWAN from, or things of that nature.  I have never seen the DMZ portion of the GPnet, but have heard there is a mystical wizard protecting it up in Leitrim, who asks you 3 questions you must answer before being allowed to cross the bridge...

Point I am making is it changes (the firewall, and sites allowed/denied) and usually we don't find out the sites allowed/blocked from the folks that control them.

In regards to people being able to email stuff to their home accounts from the DEMS (Defence Electronic Mail System, most people call it "my Outlook"), this is discussed at our Tech Working Groups, and we concluded it is equally as easy to walk out with the same data on floppy disks, CDs, or the new handy-dandy USB/thumb/flash drives that people all have these days as well.  But our mail servers are config'd where we have control of who has the "Send" ablity via SIEM lists (SMTP Internet EMail).


*Edit - GPNet is the General Purpose Network.  Some bases and units, there are GPNet pc's avail for more "unrestricted" access to Internet stuff, and it runs seperate from the DWAN. (i.e. not on the same media, different wiring centers, the whole sha-bang).  Gagetown is now deploying GPNet using AD, GPOs and lots of new and funky stuff that comes with W2K3 Svr, Active D and the newer MS bells and whistles)