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Will Canada be invaded for its' water?

Maybe we can encapsulate space ice, at source, into buckeyball carriers.  The buckeyballs can be directed into the earthzone spacenet and then diverted to corporate or privately owned gravity funnels.  If a deposit is paid on each buckeyball container, the empties can be diverted into municipal recycling streams and returned for reuse.
Okay this is discrimination...why isn't this thread locked when the superiors thread was and it was getting darn good and  funny...LMAO

Hot Lips said:
Okay this is discrimination...why isn't this thread locked when the superiors thread was and it was getting darn good and  funny...LMAO

The only problem with this post is reply number 1 through to reply number 180, you all just take one look at it and laugh, when really its a serious topic.

deltahotel said:
I believe that Canada has the most fresh water on earth. Fresh water is running low for some countries. If shortage progresses those and new countries well look to us for the water they need. And if we don't let them have it, they'll try and take it by force.

My history teacher was telling us about this kind of thing a couple weeks ago, he was talking about US plans to dam off valley rivers at the border and flood entire valleys in Canada so that the US could have huge reserves.  I couldn't find any info on this, but ill post some more info and some links once i do.

At least if they did this we could always just blow up the dam  >:D
he was talking about US plans to dam off valley rivers

Yes, they'll build them overnight, so it will be a surprise  ::)
I was thinking they'd build 'em in space and then float them down using a giant albatross.
Here I go to pick a few saskatoon berries, and I find this elite(hic) group has surpassed my original ideas. Not only that, but they have embraced Chretian's relativity theory and are even using his equipment built in his home town (financed by local advertisers of course). sheesh.

Since the Space Patrol ships being entangled, when the 2001 the upgrades (as a result of a no bid contract to Bombardier) included a phase shift cloaking device, thus rendering them intangible, are now under closed contract with the Space Patrol, but are mostly waiting for parts Bombardier forgot to include when cost overruns were not approved by Paul Martin.

In my original designs of the net, taking all parameters into account, I found that carbon fibre threads can only be held at cluster points by nanotubes filled with empty buckeyballs. Unfortunately for strength, I had to use old bread bag tie wraps (containing metal wire) to bind them as the glue of flour and H2O was not strong enough, and everything else was illegal. Now I find this did not contravene the Inter Galactic Communications Counsel (conveniently located in Shawinigan), as the net could be dual purposed for a galaxy wide comms antenna.

In thinking  appropriate filter mechanisms should be fitted that will block out the roaming undead spirits that managed to escape the earths gravity and magnetic fields that would be able to channel into the net and thus reconstitute themselves as water demons( which would really constitute a PR issue) I also found a solution. Rent water sprites...the little devils really screw up the reconstitution process, thus the roaming, undead spirits end up coming out looking a little like the picture below.  This was the recommendation of the Tech department of this organization.

We found we did not need to encapsulate space ice, at source, into buckeyball carriers. Space Ice, coincidentally, comes prepackaged into buckeyball carriers, but if we encapsulate and try to collect a deposit the CCRA charges GST and the receiving province charges PST, plus a handling charge, PLUS an enviro levy of 10%. Totally unacceptable. Whereas we can, for free, have the buckeyballs be directed into the earthzone spacenet and then diverted to corporate or privately owned gravity funnels at no charge, but we can charge them for the equal amount of water coming out of the gravity funnel with any of the aforementioned charges, because it falls under the municipal water system.
How do you think I felt? I used to snuggle up to a great big fuzzy one, no, that's not right...that was my first wife.....nevermind..
muskrat89 said:
Yes, they'll build them overnight, so it will be a surprise  ::)

If they dam them off on the US side of the border and it just so happens too flood half of BC, they don't need our permission.

Not to say that this would go through, cause as I said someone from Canada would blow it up, I know i would.
That's impossible....If the Americans damned the waterways and the water backed up into Canada, it will never acquire it's US molecule and lose it's Canadian molecule, thus the water would easily be identified as Canadian Water and we could impose, heavy tariffs, and it would even stand up to court challenges
this is kinda theroetical now, but if the dammed water started up ended at the dam in the US, and was drawen from the part of this new artifical lake that was in the US, then wouldent they be able to get away with it.  (at least intil I blew it up)
Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers

Mushroom Mushroom
There already is a Recipe thread, but I'm sorry we don't have any recipes for baked badger with mushrooms.....do you have one?
GAP said:
There already is a Recipe thread, but I'm sorry we don't have any recipes for baked badger with mushrooms.....do you have one?

My bad.. WHAT was I thinking..

My humble apologies. 

I vote NO for Invading the USA for their Water!
Trinity said:
I vote NO for Invading the USA for their Water!

We might consider it, until we get enough water to trade for one of their smaller aircraft carriers, then have the UN insert a peacekeeping mission (Hey, we're good at that!!!) to separate us and settle the dispute. Everybody's sorta happy.
Greek Cypriot and Turk Cypriot peacekeepers .... winter tour .... Alberta-Montana border.  Mandate renewed every six months until the water dispute is settled.
Neat...returning the favor for 32 years !!! yeah