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Go Habs, go!

Ahhhh faaawwwwwwwwwwk.



No matter, I STILL love Boston --- and will be cheering for them again next year.  ;D
Yrys said:
You can't possibly think I can jinx it, can you  :D?

At the risk of sounding redundant... Silence!!!  Well, no worries, the Habs won't make it past the next round. 

uncle-midget-boyd said:
At the risk of sounding redundant... Silence!!!  Well, no worries, the Habs won't make it past the next round. 



I'm not even near down town, and I can hear fans  :D outside...
ArmyVern said:


I'm serious.. even if I have to walk to Montreal myself and tie duct tape all their skates together so they can't play.  ;D
Well, we'll see who they play next.

I'm not even near down town, and I can hear fans  :D outside...
The higher they are, the further they fall.  ;)

As a devout Habs fan, I still have no idea what that chant is about...
HighlandIslander said:
As a devout Habs fan, I still have no idea what that chant is about...

It's a victory song :


(will be a supporting song at the beginning of the next match)
I know that, Yrys, I'm just still trying to figure out where we got it from...
Oups  :-[ !

From the necessity to expand energy on others thing then stores windows ?
It is Ole by the bouncing souls.

I think this is much better:
Yrys said:
I'm not even near down town, and I can hear fans  :D outside...

Every student (but me) in res must have been watching, you could hear the floors yelling and clalmering. There's even scurity outside.

I work at the chapters down town - two blocks from the bell center. Good thing I wasn't working, there was 20 min before the store closed.

Crazy people like to go to bookstores after hockey games. dont know why.
Catalyst said:
I work at the chapters down town - two blocks from the bell center. Good thing I wasn't working, there was 20 min before the store closed.

Crazy people like to go to bookstores after hockey games. dont know why.

Working at that Chapters is bad enough...

Working there during a playoff game...dear God...
Luckily most games ended at 10...when we closed.

St Patricks day was bad enough....lol.  I can deal with clueless tourists...but drunk people...they're a little harder to get out of hte store.
Catalyst said:
Crazy people like to go to bookstores after hockey games. dont know why.

Hey! It's a nice Chapters, they sometimes have sell on books arts :). Luckily there is often a security guard there.

They (fans) may like to enter anything that is open, near the winning place.

Crazy people like to burn flags tonight ! Don't know why either ...

add :

So, HighlandIslander :

"Titre personnel:  disapproves of pants", you'll post pics of chaps soon  :P ?
In 93 they smashed the windows when the habs won (???)

The other day we had cops and two security guards :)

Yrys, we have a sale on baragin art books right now - 2 for 5 bucks.

Its all very interesting, for a small town kelowna type like me. (morning meeting "so its st patricks day we have the parade blah blha blha"...me "is this a big thing here?" the store types..."uh...yes".)

GO HABS GO! Now I have to go find a flag so I can run it up the RCIS mast heheh.
I can imagine that Sunday the 16th of March must have been quite a shock for you, Catalyst...How many drunks did you have to shoo away from the second and third floor windows that day?

Yrys: just because I disapprove of pants does not mean I will post chaps photos for you and Vern! Kilt photos, however...