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Justin Trudeau - Timelines

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milnews.ca said:
"I don't want to go and sit in the (Canadian Forces) camp in Kandahar and film the Tim Hortons.

"What I want to do is leave it to younger filmmakers to show who the Pashtun are - people we falsely call Taliban, in most cases - and why we really have no reason to tell them how to live their lives, why Afghanistan should be left to its own devices."

So, we've falsely been accusing people planting bombs and ambushing NATO troops and aid workers as Taliban. They aren't really Taliban? Wow. Boy were we ever wrong on that one. Weren't we, Jackass?

"Networks have shied away from allowing me to go to Afghanistan when I had the chance, and now I don't think I'd want to go - it's too dangerous," Trudeau said.
But like you said. Those people aren't really Taliban.. we only THOUGHT they were. So, it can't be that dangerous, you Jackass.

Let's watch the fine line when something moves from a generality to a personal attack everyone.

Milnet.ca Staff
Sorry, I should have made my post clearer- it was not meant to be ad hominem.

It appears to me that Trudeau Jr has acquired his father's rather nasty traits of wooly-headedness, pacificism, and intellectual superiority.

It appears that he has no appreciation for the situation on the ground and no desire to learn.  Should make a perfect next leader of the Liberal Party of Canada...
This interview impressed me.  It impressed upon me that he didn't have the courage to follow his "calling" as a Journalist and go to Afghanistan like so many other journalists have.  It impressed me how little courage he had in suggesting that others go in his stead.  It impressed me as to how little he must have learned about the CF in his short tenure as an officer in training.  It impressed me as to how little he really knows............'But that is what impressed me.  I have a feeling he has equally impressed the Left, and unimpressed the Right.
He intends to return to Montreal "in a couple of weeks" with the nearly completed manuscript of his "labour of love," a book about China that he has been researching and writing for several years and which is to be published next spring.

I hope next spring Mr. Trudeau puts in the same time and research into Canada's military operations in Afghanistan as he has into his book. Maybe then his perception will change.
SeaKingTacco said:
Sorry, I should have made my post clearer- it was not meant to be ad hominem.


Nothing personal to you. Just a general warning to everyone is all. No sweat.
I have a better idea let's send the whole CF to afghanistan, and surrender and see what happens.

milnews.ca said:
it's not our business to try and teach them lessons with weapons," Trudeau told Canwest News Service.


Trudeau knows the Canadian military firsthand, but not through combat. In the mid-1990s he trained as a reserve officer at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in New Brunswick and joined the Royal Canadian Hussars in Montreal, one of Canada's oldest army reserve regiments, with the rank of second lieutenant.

This is a joke, right?

Afghanistan should be left to its own devices."

Yes, because that worked out extremely well for the population under the Taliban.  ::)

and now I don't think I'd want to go - it's too dangerous," Trudeau said.

What year did he say he wanted to go before because it was safe then? 

I think I will just attach the appropriate file as the remainder of my reply....
who the Pashtun are - people we falsely call the Taliban

If I remember correctly this (brilliant!!!) young man's father also had an (enlightened) opinion on Fidel Castro which is quite the opposite of human rights groups. It appears that the hate-mongering STATISTICS are all wrong, and that we need the wisdom and compassion that only morally superior socialists can provide...

"Pierre Trudeau, lent credibility to Cuba's communists through his personal friendship with Fidel. While Canada was trading with Cuba during the early years of his Fidel's regime, however, roughly 500,000 Cubans -- nearly 8% of the total Cuban population--fled the island, more than 77,000 died trying, tens of thousands were unjustly imprisoned and roughly 30,000 were executed by revolutionary firing squads."


It's too dangerous right now
Honestly, your ideologies (no you personally, that would be ad hominem ;)  )are the greatest ally the Taliban could ever hope for.
I remember Trudeau Senior, and they are not fond memories.

He alienated Western Canada, and his policies ensured that Atlantic Canada was to remain "have nots" until very recently.
Trudeau hated anything military, unless it was employed by the USSR, Cuba or our dear friends in COMMUNIST China.

Now his soft headed son "Sacha" spouts the same peacenik rhetoric his father spouted.

Beware of this young fellow, as their are many leftovers from the Trudeau era who still think this way.
That's nice Sacha, as a young father you think your days going to dangerous places are done? Right then, I hope he feels safer at home free to make his movies critical of governments and institutions that he finds fault with. A luxury afforded to him by other young fathers to paid the price. Too bad he doesn't think his fellow filmmakers in places like Afghanistan deserve the same freedom. I wonder how Mullah Omar and the taliban would have dealt with the Afghan version of young Mr T.
When someone mentions the name Trudeau I always remember
Trudeau-mania sweeping the country,my wife was bitten by the
bug and I was dragged to couple of pre election rallies surrounded
by mostly women and teenagers.What strikes me is the parallels
to the Obama-mania happening in the US and the irrationality of
it all,celebrity power versus political content.I also remember how
it all seemed to come apart ending with the picture of the great
man giving the finger to the Canadian public at some western railway
Let us not be complacent here.

The younger Trudeaus are cut from the same cloth as the elder. They will use their charisma and charm to gain power, then chop us off at the knees.

The elder brought us the NEP, which gutted Alberta literally overnight.
The elder had a hand in the emasculation of the military, which we are now just recovering from.
The elder had a hand in UI (now EI) which ensured that the Maritime provinces would remain have nots until very recently (Way to go Newfoundland!! Danny for PM once Mr. Harper has had enough!!)
The elder hated Western Canada (the finger and "fuddle duddle")

Why would we even consider their point of view?
"Networks have shied away from allowing me to go to Afghanistan when I had the chance, and now I don't think I'd want to go - it's too dangerous," Trudeau said.

Before the birth of his son, Pierre Emmanuel, in December 2006, Trudeau travelled to places like Liberia, Iraq and the West Bank to make a series of subjective, point-of-view documentaries about the human cost of war and conflict. He went to Sudan and Chad last year to live, travelling with rebels fighting the Sudanese government.

As a young father, his days of perilous travels are now firmly behind him, Trudeau said.

He should count himself lucky he has that choice. The men and women who secure his freedom of speech don't have the luxury of staying out of harms way cause they got a family.

Trudeau if you're reading this don't you worry about putting yourself in harms way and run the risk of your family never seeing you again.
You just sit at home enjoy your quality of life (that Afghani's are lacking)  and blog away, we've got it covered.
To Justin... with "love"... :tsktsk: 

We serve Canada :salute: :cdn:
The last couple of posts have been going after Justin.  The article is very clear that the Trudeau in question in Alexandre (Sacha).
Yea. that was very confusing. Had to make sure I had the right Trudeau in mind...
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