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mil application

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My application is in and my cfat / interview / medical is next week - 2009 07 09  winnipeg.

If you see my username and it looks familiar - it is - it is me.

I have no clue why I decided to apply.
- I think it is because I want a real job - real money - a real life -

I don't know anyone in the military, so this application is a leap of faith. I have no clue what to expect.
( outside of private benjamin / platoon / deer hunter / apoc now )

pt is going well - the running started very badly, but I have a good base to work from, and the results a coming quickly.

cfat - I consider this to be child's play - I doubt I can get 100%, but should be close.
pt - no sweat
interview - this will be the hard part - they will certainly interrogate me, and it could get uncomfortable.
medical - no problems

This is my second time applying. I handed in paperwork about 8 - 9 months ago, but decided to VW just before testing. I just walked out and took a job in a cubicle. It was a sweet job too, as far as cubicle jobs go.  I was working overnight at a call center, which basically means, I was paid to sit beside a phone the didn't ring.

I have already decided to see it through this time. I promised myself that if my shadow was on the recruiter door again - then that's it - full time regular lifer.

As far as losing my life - what life ...... lol

just got back from hospital-
my father had some problems -

blood -everywhere-
he was semi-conscious
... and for some reason he didn't call anyone -
he looks like sh.. today - must be a tough guy - almost died - sub-dural hematoma
fractured skull ---- etc -
his method of remedy - bottle of wine of course - better than 911 -
i guess the hematoma is not expanding - so he prolly would have lived anyway ...
too bad - i could use some inheritance ...

but things are ok -
he is in a canadian hospital - so - i guess the hospital system here is ok
he will be there a long time - he is really messed up - 83 yo i think.

me - i am a old tough guy too- can't wait to kick the pants off some kids ....

Let us know how that super easy CFAT goes for you ... I think you're taking it too lightly ... but I'll give you 'A' for confidence!
Do you by any chance also like to write scripts?

My last partner has bailed on me, and I need a guy with confidence like yours.


You seem like an intelligent, switched on bloke, with some balls.

I like balls.




Haha WOW! I have never been so confused from reading a thread in my life, and not a single acronym was used! ;D
If you see my username and it looks familiar - it is - it is me.

How about elaborating on the quoted part as it makes no sense.

Milnet.ca Staff
In my personal experiance I would say the interview is far from an interogation, just my  :2c: .

I would suggest that you review some of the other posts under recruiting if you want a fairly accurate picture of what the recruiting phase is going to be like. As well as the fitness aspect of the whole process.
I personally have never been 'interrogated' on any interview I've had in the military,(although when the Sgt Major asks if the truck you just got out of was supposed to be that covered in mud before returning to garrison may constitute more than just idle curiosity). 
Commander-(CB)          username
( if you are hard core  A R M Y  you may recognize the username )

CFAT will be very easy for me.

I could get some very difficult and uncomfortable questions at the interview.
But then again, prehaps the recruiters are only given info on a "need to know" basis. That is most likely, and my fears are unfounded. However I do have excellent hearing, and When I was there last time I could hear them talking about me. FYI - I have excellent hearing, so go behind at least two sets of doors AND use a whispered voice.

I expect a very easy day - easy testing - and easy physical test.

I do not believe I am taking the testing lightly - I know it will be very easy.

I am running 2.4 k without too much trouble, no idea of the time, probably in the slow range, but I am 42 and expect to run at the under 30 superior level. I am not there yet, but I think I can do it. - NO _ I KNOW I CAN DO IT !

This is not overconfidence - this is reality.

As for my father - he is fine, and is already talking about emptying wine bottles at the first opportunity. He has a blood clot in his brain that will require removal, but all is good.
cmndr-cb said:
Commander-(CB)          username
( if you are hard core  A R M Y  you may recognize the username )

CFAT will be very easy for me.

I could get some very difficult and uncomfortable questions at the interview.
But then again, prehaps the recruiters are only given info on a "need to know" basis. That is most likely, and my fears are unfounded. However I do have excellent hearing, and When I was there last time I could hear them talking about me. FYI - I have excellent hearing, so go behind at least two sets of doors AND use a whispered voice.

I expect a very easy day - easy testing - and easy physical test.

I do not believe I am taking the testing lightly - I know it will be very easy.

I am running 2.4 k without too much trouble, no idea of the time, probably in the slow range, but I am 42 and expect to run at the under 30 superior level. I am not there yet, but I think I can do it. - NO _ I KNOW I CAN DO IT !

This is not overconfidence - this is reality.

As for my father - he is fine, and is already talking about emptying wine bottles at the first opportunity. He has a blood clot in his brain that will require removal, but all is good.

You must be hardcore ARMY, as I don't know what you are bleating about.

You are the man, have you considered my offer of partnership in the business endeavor?  With your attitude, you would bring chutzpah to the table for our stories.


cmndr-cb said:
Commander-(CB)          username
( if you are hard core  A R M Y  you may recognize the username )


btw cmndr is not the correct abbreviation.
Your confidence is staggering.  Really.  You ARE reality?  I was unaware human beings were able to take on the form of abstract concepts.

So, you are the Commander of what?  Cape Breton?  You're not even in yet.  *not that I'm one to talk, I haven't sworn in yet either*  But I've at least completed all my testing, interview, medical, etc.  No, the testing is not overly difficult, it's an APTITUDE test.  It's meant to calculate what jobs you will be best able to perform in the military.  I do think, however, that you are trivializing the test a wee bit.  There have been many who have scored well below what they anticipated or even failed. 

As for  the interview, what exactly do you have to fear?  It's a basic job interview peppered with questions related to military service.

And, by the way, for someone who is 42, I would expect a slightly more mature post.  I've read better from some of the 20 year olds here.

I would suggest that 16 years makes me reasonably hard core. Mind you, that is reserves time, and I am sure someone would want to poke over beers in jest.

But, in 16 years, that is my first time seeing that abbreviation. Of course, I have seen many manglings of the abbreviation...

In the OPs post, he does make it clear, he/she is just getting in.  Perhaps a little early for a pile on?

As to CB? Sorry dude, no idea who you are. Might want to elaborate a little bit if folks here supposedly know you.
cmndr-cb said:

Whoop de do.  I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the walrus,
Goo goo gajoob ga goo goo gajoob.

Makes about as much sense as your posts.
Lil_T said:
And, by the way, for someone who is 42, I would expect a slightly more mature post.  I've read better from some of the 20 year olds here.

I take offense to that post!  ;D
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