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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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Bewley61 said:
I should metion that I didnt score high enough too be an officer is that a problem?

Yes. The short version is you're screwed. It's not 'Call of Duty' where you can 'rank up' to be an officer. There are some plans to commission non commissioned members, but they must be suitable for it, and that will almost invariably include a high enough CFAT score.
zulu95 said:
I submitted my application on Sept. 4 of this year and am only now going in for my interview and medical tests. As well I have been told that I likely won't get a 'yes' or 'no' until April.

Hope this helps

The information you gave me does help alot. What trades have you applied for?
Yeah, I applied mid-October, and haven't gotten dates or anything.. but the trades I chose are also combat related, which is not in need, and over-stocked..as you could say. I hope next spring brings good news.
Lostly said:
Good evening everyone,

I recently applied to the Canadian forces on October 31 of this year. I applied for three trades 1. Military Police, 2. Supply Technician and 3. Artillery Soldier - Field. Could anyone possibly tell me how long the process takes to complete and also if these trades are open for applications?. Thanking all of you in advance.


I also applied near the end of October and supply tech was one of my choices as well.  I haven`t heard anything yet so far.
Lostly said:
Good evening everyone,

I recently applied to the Canadian forces on October 31 of this year. I applied for three trades 1. Military Police, 2. Supply Technician and 3. Artillery Soldier - Field. Could anyone possibly tell me how long the process takes to complete and also if these trades are open for applications?. Thanking all of you in advance.


Unfortunately, there is no A + B = C equation for how long the recruiting process will take.  Some people wait years; while others wait mere months.  I waited a couple of years, received a job offer two months ago and here I sit, waiting at home for a posting message, still not sworn in. :facepalm: The military motto, "Hurry up and wait" is very apt. Good luck and enjoy the ride.  :salute:
Hi everyone :-)

How many of you, after you apply online, check the website that can tell you the status of your application? and is it ever updated after you send in the photocopies of supporting documents?

Thank you all,

I applied about eight months ago and have gone through the CFAT, medical, and interview stages of my application. I am now waiting on a merit list to be loaded into MPAC. That is just a little bit of my application history for you Lostly. Now to answer your question. During those eight months my online status was only updated three times so it does happen. Just keep checking in on it and it will change. My suggestion, and this is only my opinion, take this time and research your trades, and study a GED book. This will only serve to help you in the future. A good motto to live by is "hurry up and wait". I do wish you good luck on the rest of your application process and hope to work with you in the future. Oh by the way I applied for MP as well.  :salute:
hogarthmike said:
I applied about eight months ago and have gone through the CFAT, medical, and interview stages of my application. I am now waiting on a merit list to be loaded into MPAC. That is just a little bit of my application history for you Lostly. Now to answer your question. During those eight months my online status was only updated three times so it does happen. Just keep checking in on it and it will change. My suggestion, and this is only my opinion, take this time and research your trades, and study a GED book. This will only serve to help you in the future. A good motto to live by is "hurry up and wait". I do wish you good luck on the rest of your application process and hope to work with you in the future. Oh by the way I applied for MP as well.  :salute:

I have been hearing alot about the merit list. I guess it means you have been accepted and now just waiting to receive your bmq date. Congratulations on reaching that point in the process. Thank you for letting me know about MPAC. I only applied last month and just over anxious if that makes sense. I have been studying with books and online and I seem to be doing ok. I hope to work with all of you as well. I have always believed that the Canadian Forces have a strong sense of "family" when it comes to helping each other, and I think I have found that here :nod:
Morning all  :)

Just a quick question to anyone out there. Is it considered pushy if I call the CFNRCC and ask them for an update? I do not want to be seen as pushy or rude to them. I know thier are very busy. Am I just allowing my nerves to get the best of me?

Deepest thanks,

Lostly :D
Lostly said:
Morning all  :)

Just a quick question to anyone out there. Is it considered pushy if I call the CFNRCC and ask them for an update? I do not want to be seen as pushy or rude to them. I know thier are very busy. Am I just allowing my nerves to get the best of me?

Deepest thanks,

Lostly :D

I wouldn't call it pushy as long as you don't call more then once every couple weeks then it should be fine.
Hopefully this isn't a stupid question. I got an email the other day from the North Bay Virtual Recruiting Centre saying that my applicant file is now complete. What does that mean exactly?
Lostly said:
Morning all  :)

Just a quick question to anyone out there. Is it considered pushy if I call the CFNRCC and ask them for an update? I do not want to be seen as pushy or rude to them. I know thier are very busy. Am I just allowing my nerves to get the best of me?

Deepest thanks,

Lostly :D

From personal experience (both my husband and I have gone through the recruiting process successfully), the pushier the better.  They are dealing with a lot of files and sometimes things go unnoticed or slip through the cracks if its not brought to their attention.  Maybe CFRC Hamilton is just an exception, but they never seemed to mind when we called for an update.  Also, if I had not called back in March, I would not have known that I had to do an updated interview. You want the job? Well, the onus is on you to ensure you have your ducks in a row. Just my  :2c:
Hi Half-pint,

Thank you for all the information you and the others are giving me. I only applied on October 31 of this year, and my thinking is should I call the Toronto recruiting centre or the one in Northbay where we all send our applications?. I apologize for all these questions.

Deepest thanks,
half-pint said:
From personal experience (both my husband and I have gone through the recruiting process successfully), the pushier the better.  They are dealing with a lot of files and sometimes things go unnoticed or slip through the cracks if its not brought to their attention.  Maybe CFRC Hamilton is just an exception, but they never seemed to mind when we called for an update.  Also, if I had not called back in March, I would not have known that I had to do an updated interview. You want the job? Well, the onus is on you to ensure you have your ducks in a row. Just my  :2c:

Hi Half-pint,

Thank you for all the information you and the others are giving me. I only applied on October 31 of this year, and my thinking is should I call the Toronto recruiting centre or the one in Northbay where we all send our applications?. I apologize for all these questions.

Deepest thanks,
Lostly said:
Hi Half-pint,

Thank you for all the information you and the others are giving me. I only applied on October 31 of this year, and my thinking is should I call the Toronto recruiting centre or the one in Northbay where we all send our applications?. I apologize for all these questions.

Deepest thanks,

Unless you received an email that your file was forwarded to Toronto, then I would suggest calling or emailing North Bay.  Better yet, I would suggest checking your online status on Monday to see if it has changed    ;D

If not, then call North Bay for an update...
Hopefully this isn't a stupid question. I got an email the other day from the North Bay Virtual Recruiting Centre saying that my applicant file is now complete. What does that mean exactly?
Goodeman said:
Hopefully this isn't a stupid question. I got an email the other day from the North Bay Virtual Recruiting Centre saying that my applicant file is now complete. What does that mean exactly?

Means that your documents were received, your file was updated and ready for processing.

The email should have also indicated whether or not your occupation choices were available and also whether or not you qualify for any of them...
I didn't send any documents, that's what's confusing me. Also, it didn't say anything about me qualifying for my chosen trades. So essentially does this mean that once my trades are opened, that my file will be processed? Forgive my ignorance and thank you for your patience.
DAA said:
Unless you received an email that your file was forwarded to Toronto, then I would suggest calling or emailing North Bay.  Better yet, I would suggest checking your online status on Monday to see if it has changed    ;D

If not, then call North Bay for an update...

Dear DAA,

Thank you for the information. I hope the news is good, and I am very excited just at the prospect of becoming a member of the Canadian Forces family. I will definately check the online status and follow the advice you and Half-pint have given me. I dream of becoming a Supply Technician and hope that dream will come true.

Do you think the Canadian Forces will be hiring this year or does it make sense to look forward to 2013?

Have a great day everyone  :salute:
