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The Michael Moore Super Thread- Merged

Michael Moore

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The fact that he gives voice to a particular side of the story (blown up, and edited in certain ways)

People will swallow anything if the packaging is good enough...the McDonalds restaurant chain is living proof of that.

Lots of people twist things around to suite their point of view, part of human nature is to try and "sweeten" your side of the story whenever possible.

From my point of view he spends alot of time telling only one side of the story and has a dangerous biass toward anyone who has a difference of opinion. Hense is legal threats during the election down there.

That, to me, is evidence of a rather shaky position when the lights come on.


Now Bruce...Leave it be! :D
Gee you must have hit the double delete button twice also... ;D
sorry bud I guess you took one away and so did I,...oops :-[
Slim said:
Lots of people twist things around to suite their point of view, part of human nature is to try and "sweeten" your side of the story whenever possible.

From my point of view he spends alot of time telling only one side of the story and has a dangerous biass toward anyone who has a difference of opinion. Hense is legal threats during the election down there.

That, to me, is evidence of a rather shaky position when the lights come on.

Could very well be. But could he be falling into the same trap that everyone with an opinion has (especially down there)? That being "I'll SUE!!"

I get the feeling that both sides have valid points to make, but they have to go so far to either side of the issues to get anyone to listen to them, that they almost sound foolish. Ok, they really sound foolish. The loudest voice is the one everyone listens too. And how loud is a full length film?
Gentles and Ladies all...

I offer some anti-moore:


subtitled:"Dude, where's your integrity?"

David T Hardy and Jason Clarke

HarperCollins Books 2004

A critical look at Moore and his ability to commit fraud on a grand scale...Check out the famous "interview" with Heston...

Ahhh Micheal...what an apt pupil of  Goebbels you really are....
And there is my case in point.

Moore on the far left screaming from the film screen.

Hardy and Clarke from the far right screaming from the pages of a book.

Ah, what a world of fools we live in.
I finally watched Fahrenheit 911. I'm no great fan of  George Bush, nor the Fox network, nor Rush Limbaugh and his ilk of mouth-foamers, but I found the movie to be rubbish. Really. I do not understand how it got the raves it did. It is IMHO so transparent and slanted that it reeks.

I found the movie to be rubbish. Really. I do not understand how it got the raves it did. It is IMHO so transparent and slanted that it reeks.


I agree with you 100%. However the modern western world does not seem to be a fan of clarity of vision...Self flagelation is too much fun I guess.


Slim said:
I agree with you 100%. However the modern western world does not seem to be a fan of clarity of vision...Self flagelation is too much fun I guess.

If Bush and his administration is your idea of clarity of vision, then you truly live in a scary world. Yes he clearly is out to destroy the world to remake it in America's vision, and he is clearly ignorant of what truly goes on outside his own borders. Yes, he is clearly willing to sacrifice the individual freedoms of his own people for the supposed greater good of American world power.

Sounds like the place I would like to live...

Gents: it's a movie--nothing more.(And not a particularly good one at that...) I don't think it should be a cause for a CanAm flame war on this thread. Millions of Americans don't care much for Bush either, just like millions of Canadians didn't care much for Chretien.

Slim said:

I agree with you 100%. However the modern western world does not seem to be a fan of clarity of vision...Self flagelation is too much fun I guess.



I'lll never tire of how people in the courses of history so often think that their side, or their vision, is the correct one.
Steve said:
I'lll never tire of how people in the courses of history so often think that their side, or their vision, is the correct one.

Well, from where I'm standing, it's either a high quality of living for me and my family or living in a cave waiting for some other faction to cut my head off and play a game with it.

As you can see, my bags aren't packed to leave my imperfect society any time soon.
I loved Roger and Me, found bowling for columbine to be an extremely interesting look at something that no one had really talked about up to that point (His oscar acceptance speech was the start of his big slide I think) and despised Farenheit 9/11.
How can he attack politicians for being dishonest and acting on party values rather then for the American people when his film here is just more of the same.
I thought it had a few redeeming moments but in General I regret spending the money on it.

Though the scene where he attempts to enlist politicians sons is actually not as a original as one would think, and that appears to be many people's favourites (not here, but whom I talk to)
CCR anyone?

Does Moore share the stock proceeds of his "foundation" with charitable causes, you might ask?

Schweizer found that "for a man who by 2002 had a net worth in eight figures, he gave away a modest $36,000 through the foundation, much of it to his friends in the film business or tony cultural organizations that later provided him with venues to promote his books and film."
That's quite the "social spirit"...
Will this have any affect on all those Michael Moore fans out there?  They will ignore it all or call it a smear campaign; "Michael Moore wouldn't do that!"   ::)  If an eight figure bank account doesn't wake 'em up, nothing will.
George Wallace said:
  ::)  If an eight figure bank account doesn't wake 'em up, nothing will.
I'm still trying to fugure out how all his fans think he's able to afford all those Macs he shoves down his throat. They all need to wake up and smell the Sanka.
armyvern said:
I'm still trying to fugure out how all his fans think he's able to afford all those Macs he shoves down his throat. They all need to wake up and smell the Sanka.

I wasn't aware anyone needed an 8-figure salary in order to eat themselves into obesity...I should have thought the opposite was true, really; generally the poor and disempowered are helpless when it comes to controlling overeating or eating poorly.

Anyway, you paint with a rather broad brush here and don't really say anything other than to characterize an entire group of people as misinformed.  I'd be willing to bet there are "fans" of Mr. Moore who don't care how he affords to overeat.

Did you have anything significant to say about the actual article in question?  I'd hate to see an entire thread degenerate into insults and attacks on people simply because a) they are overweight or b) see logic and reason in Michael Moore's comments. 

I am certainly not a fan of Mr. Moore's work, though i thought Bowling for Columbine was an interesting bit of fiction.  These latest revelations are indeed interesting.  Let's save the hysteria and foaming at the mouth for the right-wing idiots, though.  One doesn't need to oppose a left-wing idiot by becoming one of the right wing idiots, do they?

Attack the message and not the man, and all that.

As for George's comments; I think hypocricy is always present in public figures.  John F. Kennedy ushered in a new era of space exploration, civil rights, even changed the way millions of men dress in public (he was the first President to go hatless, and by consequence so have we).  And yet he cheated on his wife.

Michael Moore is no JFK and has, I would argue, done more harm than he has good, with his hysteric ranting and misinformation campaigns.  I can't figure out what he has ever hoped to accomplish, except gain for himself some spotlight.  In that sense, hearing that he has his own self-interests at heart is neither surprising nor shocking, and really shouldn't be, either for those who believe in what he says, or those who oppose it.

Perhaps even one or two of his "fans" are smart enough to realize that, eh? ;)  If fans of Michael Jackson can rationalize what he has done, or fans of O.J. Simpson can keep the faith, I am sure this will not be a setback to fans of Michael Moore.  And Mr. Moore will no doubt be able to rationalize or explain away these setbacks. 

I mean come on, we still have fans of Jean Chretien, for pity's sake.  Or for that matter the Federal Liberals. 
Little vague, isn't it? What's the name of the foundation? It should be easy to look up the SEC filings to verify the article's validity, or is it just another right wing lie? 

I love Michael Moore, only because he makes conservatives squirm. Ownership of Halliburton stock is just smart investing, and it's nice to able to sit in on shareholder meetings and make informatrion requests, considering what he does.  Certainly, he of all people, won't have any conflicts of interest. Unlike, say, the Vice President of the United States, or the Secretary of Defence.  Somehow conservatives never get wound up about THAT.

It's a sad fact that the right wing lie machine has poisoned political discourse to the extent that we need to fight fire with fire, but why hold back when your opponent won't?  :)

Britney Spears said:
It's a sad fact that the right wing lie machine has poisoned political discourse ...
So the Right always lies, but the Left is always honest... ??  ::) Get real...