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The Michael Moore Super Thread- Merged

Michael Moore

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Has anyone seen this blown off the top film? it kind of scares me!

But i kind of find it strange to find Micheal Moores facts are true if The republicans cant sue him for slander or libel? or they never even bothered too.

Go to this website and tell me what you think, it was created way before Micheal Moores Fahrenheit 911, and i was wondering did Micheal moore do some research from this?
1. They did not sue because that would give Moore free publicity.

2. Individually, there are facts in the film, but since they are sliced and diced and taken out of any sort of context, Moore makes the "facts" irrelevant. I personally would have thought he could have made the same statement by animating a film with crayolas.

3. If you want to see propaganda done with real artistic style and flair, watch "The Triumph of the Will' or "Olympia" by Leni Riefenstahl. "Battleship Potemkin" and "Prince Alexander Nevskii" by Sergei Eisenstein are also cinematic masterpieces. Unfortunately, the artists prostituted their great talent to support the two most monstrous regimes in the 20th century. Imagine if Micheal Moore was even 1/4 as talented as those two.
I'll go see Blade 3, Constatine and Batman begins.
I'm going to pass on any more Michael Moore films.
FahrenHYPE 911 is not a Micheal Moore film, its a propaganda film produced by the republicans in October of 2004 to counter Micheal Moores Film Fahrenheit 911.
I watched the first 10 minutes or so of it before giving up. Compared to that lunatic Anne Coulter, Micheal Moore is a shining example of reason and honesty. Ergo, a movie which draws extensively on Anne Coulter interviews would have to have a hell of a lot of nudity to draw my attention.
Nice movie review, Ms Spears. I made the effort to sit through F 9/11, even when it was clear what sort of "documentary" I was watching (under five min actually). I may watch Farenhype 9/11 if I get the opportunity, but I think that battle is already over.

Now if the great talents of Leni Riefenstah were available again, I would certainly want to see her films, and then make sure I stayed at home for a few days after in case I was "inspired" to do something.
Britney Spears said:
I watched the first 10 minutes or so of it before giving up. Compared to that lunatic Anne Coulter, Micheal Moore is a shining example of reason and honesty. Ergo, a movie which draws extensively on Anne Coulter interviews would have to have a heck of a lot of nudity to draw my attention.

Who the hell is Anne Coulter, She sounds like a dumb blonde, btw you called her a lunatic.

Too much of a resembalence to Celine Dion for my tastes.

And no more comments about "dumb blondes" there, you!

Nice movie review, Ms Spears. I made the effort to sit through F 9/11, even when it was clear what sort of "documentary" I was watching (under five min actually). I may watch Farenhype 9/11 if I get the opportunity, but I think that battle is already over.

*Shrug* I enjoyed Farenheit 9/11, but then I enjoy most Micheal Moore movies, and I'm a liberal, so perhaps you should give farehype a go? As long as gleeful self gratification is all you're seeking (and it might be easier with Ann Coulter than Micheal Moore).
A documentary "documents" something, like a National Geographic special, or the "Lonely Planet Guide". Moore is clearly a propagandist, while from what I saw on an internet search (the Movie is not yet available here), Farenhype is best described as a polemic.

Anyway, the battle is over, Moore's distortions did not carry the election, lets go see something entertaining for a change.
I haven't had a chance to watch Fahrenhype yet since as long as I know it's not available here, but I did just fine a way to download it, so if anyone (with a high-speed connection and a bit-torrent client) is interested...
The truth is that if you are right leaning than you will find fault with Moores books/movies/opinions. If you are left leaning you will see the factual  parts of Moores releases. I am a nationalist and support my country, unless it goes against what I see as ethically correct. Then I will use my power as a voter and a citizen to make a change in goverment. I believe that Moore is the same way. Now I have seen people attack him because he now has money. However Moore did not have alot of money years ago when he first started. "Roger and I" was not a big budget release.
Where my opinion may variate from Moores is that I believe in a strong social policy and a strong military. We need strong social policies to help those taht are less fortunate than ourselves. We also need a strong military to help defend this continent and to help defend others. Now I know some would say that that is not our job to do. All I have to say is this... If someone was breaking into your neighbors house would you just sit back and say that that was just sad and someone should do something about it? Well I dont want neighbors like that. Having Canada go to  places like Haiti and Rwanda gives me a sense of pride in being Canadian. Just as having a Canadian in Ulster gave me a sense of pride.

Here is what I believe...

  You cannot go to another persons country, install a dictatorship that is brutal to its people and turn a blind eye because you financially benefit from it and not expect to have some sort of negative ramification from it some time in the future. Not every country in the world can be a Canada, with a high tolerance level. However I think it is important taht we do help those that want it. I think that it is important that we show Canadian values by actions and not by force, unless called for. What I mean by this is if we need to go some place to help stop a genocide or starvation than we protect/supply/teach. If we are in such a place and come under attack than we should stand up to the attackers and use deadly force if needed.

  That is some of what I believe. Just one guys opinion in a sea of opinions.

Donaill said:
  You cannot go to another persons country, install a dictatorship that is brutal to its people and turn a blind eye because you financially benefit from it and not expect to have some sort of negative ramification from it some time in the future.

    Statements like that make me want to beat you with a 2x4.  You're doing the same thing that Michael Moore does:  making implications without providing any solid evidence.

    As far as moore goes, I think david letterman said it best:

[quote author=David Letterman]
When you look at the film in total...are there these things - if I were smarter, could I refute some of these points?  Shall I beleive you that everything means exactly what it looks like?  I mean, the presentation is overwhelming, but could a smarter man thatn me come in and say, "Yes, this happened, but it means nothing" "Yes, that happened but it means nothing"?  But put together in a puzzle it creates one inarguable , compelling circumstance.

    More masterfully weaves together truth, lies, half-trouths and implications, so that the end result always seems to factually support the point he's trying to make.  When breaken down to it's component parts though, his argument inevitably disintegrates.
IMO the movie was good for one reason. It got people talking.

48Highlander said:
Moore masterfully weaves together truth, lies, half-trouths and implications, so that the end result always seems to factually support the point he's trying to make.   When breaken down to it's component parts though, his argument inevitably disintegrates.

I think 48Highlander said it right in this quote. Now, as to what 'facts' in the movie are truth, half-truths or lies or implications, I have no idea, but people talk about it, and when millions of people start talking about certain 'facts' then the facts tend to get either verified, or proven wrong. This movie has spawned much debate, and alot of people have taken it upon themselves to disect these 'facts'. So for the person who is interested in knowning the truth behind these 'facts', the truth is out there.

What alot of people take issue with, is how Michael Moore strung together these 'facts' to support his view.
It didn't get people talking about it, it got people arguing about it.

I don't like Michael Moore's approach because he seeds it with a personal agenda that only encourages divisive argument.  And it has - the fracture of American society along political lines hasn't been so pronounced for a very long time.

I don't approve of every policy the American's have undertaken under Bush, and I've said so on these forums.  But Moore carries it to far, trying to say "Look, the President is a moron and a crook, therefore we can do no right."

In my mind, a better way to challenge policies would be to present the material in a manner that says "Look, this isn't really the best way to go about things, you are the C-in-C, so see what we have to say".  In this manner, you would engage Republicans who are not really keen on the chosen path as well, creating a much stronger piece of political commentary.

But he didn't, and now no-one with real interest in the matter takes him seriously.
Bush is a crook, it seems like hes always lying to the american public, You change from an American TV station it tells the facts, then you change to a TV canadian station and it questions the truth.

But plz Dont flame me for saying that :(
If you don't want to be "flamed", then give a coherent argument instead of spamming the board with a juvenile rant....
Bush is a crook, it seems like hes always lying to the american public, You change from an American TV station it tells the facts, then you change to a TV canadian station and it questions the truth

Do you have ANY credible facts to back up this statement, or are you of the type who just says things like that to get a rise out of everyone?

Please qualify this statement so that we may respond to it appropriately...
