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  1. oftengone

    Peoples Attitudes changed when stated I was joining

    You know people just don't understand what the CF is all about. They only see what they want to see. I'm a military brat, and even if I didn't join it's still the best family in the world.  No matter what you're going through or even what you are feeling, there's a good chance that they went...
  2. oftengone

    back from a tour

    Thank's a million you guys, it helps him a bit to know that other people are experiencing the same thing and the same mental stress. He is now thinking about seeing a doc, and it's you guys that helped Thank you  :-* oftengone
  3. oftengone

    back from a tour

    We are closer in a sense that I can feel him, even if we are far apart... I don't know if that makes sense... He doesn't talk, but I feel it when he's in distress... I don't know how but I feel like... I don't know if you understrand...  ??? :salute:
  4. oftengone

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Hello... When you went to the recrutement center didn't they give you a sheet with all the internet adress, with exemple of tests??  Cause when I went they gave me a sheet with all the exemple of aptitude test given by the federal gouvement. Here are a couple...
  5. oftengone

    Discrimination against homosexuals, races, etc.

    You know military is like a world of it's own.  Making fun of people and discrimination is part of life, and every day life.  But like someone else before me told you, it might be tolerated in the real word but not in the military.  When a CO is aware of the situation, action is taken and fast. ...
  6. oftengone

    Dress Regs

    We also took it at the taylor in Borden, she did it and it was in the right place.... I was not going to stress about that... I have better things to do in my free time  ;D
  7. oftengone

    CF Uniforms

    When you change element you also change uniform.  But now most of all the CF members wear the combats uniforms.  That what you will see the most.  But yes when you change element you change uniform. In my opignon, the air force is the best and the have the cuties uniforms... ;D
  8. oftengone


    I also agreer with Kevin and the Doc, he need to be stable, mentaly for his troop to rely on him.  Out there he needs to be there for his troop, and if he can't deal with that stress, he's not in the right job.  You know even before he signed to because a CF member, he was told that he could be...
  9. oftengone

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    I say that if you are working yes come to attention, if you're not then no need to be.  Unless if you enter the office of an officer that is a higher rank. :-\  Not fun but it's life...
  10. oftengone

    back from a tour

    hello everyone... just a simple question... My best friend came back from Afghanistan and now I don't feel like he's the same anymore.  I know that a mission tour is a men's worst experience.  But do you guys ever get over it or is he scared for life.  Will he always be like that?  He's by...
  11. oftengone

    Biggest Fear

    I say like everyone else.. Nature is nature and the instructors will understand.  But if you can get your system flushed out in the morning before the run. It will be greatly appreciated for the instructors. and your teammates. Good luck :o
  12. oftengone

    concernant l aplication

    Le temps d'attente dépend dans quelques métier tu pose ta candidature.  Je sais que les polices militaires sont en demande, et il cherche beaucoup de monde pour aller en tour, mais comme l'autre gars avant moi, vérifie avec le centre de recrutement le plus proche. Et arme toi de patience  :-\
  13. oftengone

    Encore quelque questions

    Salut, D'Après moi tu ne devrai pas avoir de problème a apporter un ordinateur, mais d'apres mon expérience, tu n'aura pas le temps de l'utiliser.  Tu est tellement occuper pendant ton séjour a la base de St Jean que tu n'aura pas le temps de t'en servir.  Et St Jean est une belle ville, que tu...
  14. oftengone

    Home Sick

    You know my parents were both in the military and my best friend is an officer in the reg... And my best friend went to Afghanistan and to Bosnia.  Yes it was hard but with email and writting, you get over it.  We are now closer then we were before he left, you get to know a diffent side of the...