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  1. georgeharper

    CAN Tps Charged in Beating of Brit Expat in CYP

    Interesting. Some brave person brings up the fact Canadian soldiers  are found guilty of beating up an innocent person, and the powers to be on this forum do not allow any more discussion on the topic. :salute:
  2. georgeharper

    georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

    Oh please.To now suggest that Canada and Canadians were a target for a terrorist attack prior to 9/11 simply because some Canadians happened to be in the wrong place( the United States) at the wrong time is laughable. Now because Canada is helping the U.S with the occupation of Afghanistan ...
  3. georgeharper

    georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

    Because you are so set in your ways you refuse to hear anything else. I mean really. After the Americans spend billions bombing innocent civillans, invading and occupying countries, then setting up elections, do you really think they are then going to accept a result that was not favourable to...
  4. georgeharper

    georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

    Back up what? I think the entire world knows that the two major conflicts happening right now are the result of American lies. Do we really need to go over that again?
  5. georgeharper

    georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

    Now you see. You expect me to listen to all your nonsense as FACT when you say something like Jack is my hero? Please clarify or withdraw your statement please. I think the fact that Canada is in Afghanistan because of what the Americans claimed was truth is evidence that anything that...
  6. georgeharper

    georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

    Yea OK. Whatever Were these same people witness to the Americans to the famous handshake with Saddam and the very freindly exchanges the Americans had with Bin Laden? Funny, also how when an election goes contrary to what the Americans want, they claim it was a fruadulant :salute:
  7. georgeharper

    georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

    Got to laugh. People can come on here and say whatever nonsense they want and call Mr Layton names and refer to him as Bin Layton, but yet, you come on here and say truthful things like Canada is now a more dangerous place due to Canada being involved in the occupation of Afghanistan, and a post...
  8. georgeharper

    georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

    He is absoloutly correct Well in reality Canada being in Afghanistan for the Americans has made Canada a more dangerous place for Canadians. People in Saudi Arabia, the real breeding ground for terrorism, are as worse off, if not more worse off,and brutalized by an American supported...
  9. georgeharper

    USN cruiser to shoot down satellite

    Funny how when the Chinese shot down a satellite last year the Americans and Americas yes man in Canada Harper were outraged and demanded to be given all the info regarding space debris. Now the Chinese are asking for all info into this outer space target practice (which is all it really was)...
  10. georgeharper

    georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

    No, suicide bombers were not blowing themselves up in Baghdad before the occupation began How so? Surely that was a joke.Please tell me it was Thats funny.I remember Rumnsfeld saying the Iraqis would be throwing roses at the American soldiers.When none were dead.Now 4000 are dead. But the...
  11. georgeharper

    georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

    Wow, some people sure know how to twist things around. The fact remains GW BUSH invited terrorists into Iraq. People in Baghdad were not getting blown up in vegetable markets by suicide bombers prior to the occupation of Iraq. Taliban members were not blowing themselves up in markets in...
  12. georgeharper

    80 Killed near Kandahar

    That Hamid Karzai said there should be negotiations with the Taliban Yes. I did
  13. georgeharper

    Al Qaeda use two 'Down's syndrome' women to blow up 73 people in Baghdad markets

    Well in reality, terrorists were not doing " these unspeakable acts on innocent poor helpless people." before the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan began. Lets not forget GW invited terrorists to come to Iraq BRING EM ON And lets look at just how many innocent poor helpless people have been...
  14. georgeharper

    80 Killed near Kandahar

    So, someone is allowed to say.. "These are the people the Liberals and NDP would have us negotiate with." But in reality, Hamid Karzai, who is the American appointee in Afghanistan  REALLY did say he feels negotiations with the Taliban should take place But to post a factual comment is not...
  15. georgeharper

    President George W Bush's place in history

    Demonstrate  what? Yea so.I dont think anyone told Clinton about those things.Do you? Bush was practically given a phone call that 9/11 was coming. Then he chose to read a book to children while people were burning and dieing No.Do you? But I have a good idea how many have died because of...
  16. georgeharper

    President George W Bush's place in history

    How could the right wing not like Clinton? He also dropped bombs and killed civilians that it seems right wingers have no problem with. Just look at it as colateral damage Or use the disgusting term, friendly damage But Clintons lies involved his use of a cigar. Bush's lies have not only killed...
  17. georgeharper

    georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

    You are right, the pipeline is real.And regardless if Canadian soldiers want to believe it or not.Canadian soldiers are in Afghanistan for American interests.