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  1. firm_believer

    Valentines For Vets

    As well, that's a great point! I was one to always ignore the Remembrance Day festivities when I was young....Man how that's changed...We owe a LOT to our veterans...I just wished I'd opened my eyes sooner.
  2. firm_believer

    Valentines For Vets

    You know, the more I learn from this forum and army.ca in general, the prouder I feel to be Canadian, and as a prospective soldier, I can't begin to describe just how proud I am with my career plans. I'm older than your average recruit, but I sure as heck can say that the idea (for now) of...
  3. firm_believer

    Canadian chopper assault first of its kind

    I have to agree...Why do I rarely see a positive story based upon the role that our soldiers are playing toward Afghan self-sufficiency and enabling Afghans to evolve socially? As soon as I mention joining the military, you can just see the fear in people's eyes, based upon the media's coverage...
  4. firm_believer

    Jack Granatstein on how Conservatives are treating the CF

    Well said. As much as I'd love to see increased spending since I'm just a tad biased,  said spending must be justifiable to the Canadian people, and I suspect much of it as it is just doesn't fly with a percentage of the masses, who wonder why the heck we're even in A-Stan to begin with.
  5. firm_believer

    Rotation of units through 2011?

    I'm by no means "in the know", but to even a civilian, the odds of leaving that soon seem suspect. Then again, I'm not over there witnessing the progress being made. I would imagine SOME troops would still be there to oversee the handover and to track the outcome over time...Otherwise, why leave...
  6. firm_believer

    R.I.P.Trooper Marc Diab 8 March 2009

    RIP, Trooper Diab.  :cdn:
  7. firm_believer

    2011 Afghanistan Exit Strategy, and recruiting numbers over the next few years.

    AAH, thanks for the feedback...I wondered about Africa. I've got so much yet to experience, and a ton to learn about the CF, but one thing's for sure, I want to start as an NCM, then finish the last 2 yrs. of my degree, switch to Officer status, and continue to take all the courses I can to...
  8. firm_believer

    Dark Cloud/Silver Lining: Recruiting in a Recession

    I'm with you there...I'm totally attracted to the Army due to the ability to rise in the ranks over time, finish my degree, then go Officer over time, and go from there. Civy life just doesn't do it for me, and I see a world of opportunity in the CF (Not to sound like a radio ad). Like...
  9. firm_believer

    2011 Afghanistan Exit Strategy, and recruiting numbers over the next few years.

    I thought I'd ask people for their opinions/forecasts related to troop deployment numbers/recruiting numbers for 2011, as we've now got Barack Obama trying to speed up the process of handing over A-Stan to it's own people. I'll be starting my career with the CF as of late 2010, so I'm curious as...
  10. firm_believer

    Should you train while sore?

    Best to listen to your body...I personally wouldn't train purposely through soreness, since that's the muscle saying "I'm torn, and need to re-build stronger", so why the heck would you overload it? That just increases the odds for injury. That said, at the start of any new training (like BMQ)...
  11. firm_believer

    Stretching: The Truth

    Wow...Interesting. I'll check out some of the resources mentioned. I'm also from the "old school", where stretching is the be-all and end-all of safety. I admit that I need to warm up more before even stretching.
  12. firm_believer

    The Blood Pressure Superthread

    I'm glad I saw this thread - I too have "white coat" syndrome, where when I give blood, my BP is usually 140/80, and if I sit and relax for 5-10 mins, I'm down to the mid-120's...Frustrating, but really it shouldn't be, since I'm aware of it now. I also figure that worst-case, as I get into my...
  13. firm_believer

    Caffeine and athletic performance

    lol... Just be careful what you take out of respect for your body!! Blood pressure WAY through the roof will only hurt you internally, and possibly cause damage. Pay attention to your ideal max. heart rate during exercise. Better to be safe than to take years off your life being a macho idiot...
  14. firm_believer

    Cardio or strength

    Excellent advice...I'm 32 now, and have learned (the hard way) not to pull the macho "Mr. Olympia" BS weights workouts...I focus primarily on cardio now, and as you get older, cardio is # 1 for sure (though bone density and strength always have their place, of course). Then again, I've always...
  15. firm_believer

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    Personally, I can go from popular R&B to 3 Doors Down, AC DC and Van Halen to Hall & Oates. Yeah...I like a little soul now and then.
  16. firm_believer

    Profs say students lack maturity, feel entitled

    For what it's worth civilian-wise, I'm in a Law & Security program, and heard that students in both Uni. and College who started last September have been some of the laziest yet...I wouldn't doubt it, either. I've noticed that the teachers either do a great job in class, or are pretty much...
  17. firm_believer

    How Safe Are You Facebooking....

    Exactly. I've gone back and forth on this issue, and decided to make my account a positive "business card" of sorts. It can certainly be used to one's advantage.
  18. firm_believer

    report: Woman is SEXUALLY attracted to a BRIDGE?

    Lovely...Could you imagine her on the job?  :salute: Yikes. Paging Dr. Freud...
  19. firm_believer

    I want to join CF

    It's that way with any sort of government/Law Enforcement job as well, typically. You have to be patient, focused, and above all, determined to see it through.
  20. firm_believer

    Me and my wife want to join the Army

    Wow, such an important discussion - I'm in my very early 30's, and am not having children, personally. Due to that, I'm willing to go anywhere with the Infantry, but if I DID have children, there would likely be no way I'd even enlist. I'd probably take a by-law/customs job or something. That...